5 Reasons to Use a Clarifying Shampoo

Over time products, environmental pollutants, chlorine, oils from our skin and minerals in our water cause a build up on the hair that regular shampoo just can’t remove.  It is important to use a clarifying shampoo on occasion to remove stubborn build up. Here are some signs it’s time to clarify your hair:

1.) Your go-to hair products don’t seem to be working anymore. If your haircare regimen that you normally love doesn’t seem to be doing the trick anymore, this may be a sign you have build up on your hair. This prevents products from being able to sink into the hair cuticle and do their job correctly.

2.) Your hair is limp and feels weighed down. If your hair is dull and feels greasy even after being shampooed, this is also a sign that you have build up that needs to be removed!

3.)  Your blonde hair has become brassy. Hair that is lightened with bleach is more porous so more easily absorbs environmental pollutants such as smoke and minerals from water. Don't forget to follow with a violet shampoo!

4.) To allow your deep conditioning treatment to work better. Hair that has build up cannot properly absorb moisture products. Clarifying the hair prior to applying deep conditioning treatments will ensure your hair gets the full benefits.

5.) To help remove chlorine from the hair. If you are a frequent swimmer, it’s a good idea to alternate your regular shampoo with a clarifying shampoo. Chlorine in the hair can cause it become very brittle and dry and can cause a green cast in lighter hair. For severe chlorine build up an in salon Malibu treatment is a must!

As far as how often you should use a clarifying shampoo depends on your hair type. If you have very dry, damaged hair once every two weeks is a good amount . If you have severe build up, a very oily scalp or are a swimmer you should clarify once a week. It is important to use a good quality shampoo (one that is color safe, free of sulfates and sodium chloride) to clarify since it is a deeper cleansing process and you do not want to dry out your hair or strip it of its natural oils!

I hope you found this post helpful! If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments below:)